
Regulations of the Public Health Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS)



The Scientific Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, has been appointed by the General Assembly 2/2011 of the Polish Academy Sciences, held on 26 May 2011 and is affiliated with the V Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Science.


The Committee includes in its range of activity public health and epidemiology.


The functions of the Committee include developing scientific disciplines represented by the Committee and exploiting their achievements for the good of the country, in particular:

  1. Analysis and assessment of the state of science and expressing opinions on the matters of state science policy, especially on the directions of development and research priorities in the scientific disciplines represented by the Committee, organizing debates, discussions and scientific conferences for this purpose and dissemination of the results,
  2. Cooperation with governmental authorities, especially with the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Education and with the General Council of Science and Higher Education, in matters concerning assessment of the condition, level, research priorities and directions of development of the represented by the Committee disciplines,
  3. Initiating research, creating scientific institutions in the disciplines represented by the Committee, assessing the research programs and the range of activity of scientific institutions at the request of the supervisory governmental authorities or of the authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
  4. Cooperation in the dissemination of research results and scientific works and the implementation of results in the disciplines represented by the Committee into social and economic practice, organizing for this purpose, inter alia, discussions and scientific conferences,
  5. Developing, at the request of the governmental authorities, authorities of the Polish Academy of Sciences and on its own initiative, the scientific advices and providing scientific opinions in matters within the range of the Committee’s activity and issues particularly significant for the socio-economic and cultural development of the country,
  6. Assessing and expressing opinions on the level and needs of the scientific publishing in the field of sciences represented in the Committee and conducting publishing activities,
  7. Analyzing and evaluating curricula, expressing opinions on matters of educating scientific staff and conducting activation measures leading to participation in the scientific life of the country and ensuring the development of young scientific staff in the areas covered by the Committee’s range of activity,
  8. Initiating and conducting cooperation with international and foreign organizations or research centers and performing, in accordance with the Resolution of the Bureau of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the function of the national committee for cooperation with the international scientific organizations in the disciplines represented by the Committee,
  9. Establishing national sections of international unions and scientific societies,
  10. Reviewing candidates for correspondent members of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of disciplines represented by the Committee,
  11. Submitting and reviewing applications for scientific awards in the disciplines represented by the Committee,
  12. Cooperation with specialized scientific societies in the field of disciplines represented by the Committee,
  13. Cooperation with the authorities and scientific institutions of the Academy in supporting the development of people begining their scientific career in the disciplined represented by the Committee,
  14. Preparing, jointly with other scientific committees, the multidisciplinary scientific studies, on its own initiative or at the request of one of the Academy’s authorities,
  15. Other cases ordered by the Academy’s authorities or taken on the initiative of the Committee.


  1. The Scientific Committee consists of specialists in specific fields of science in the scope of scientific issues represented by the Committee, elected by the scientific community of a given discipline (or disciplines represented by the Committee), in accordance with the Regulations for the election of members of the scientific committee and its bodies established by Resolution of the Bureau of the Polish Academy of Sciences No. 28/2011 on May 26, 2011.
  2. In addition, the Committee consists of National Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences of relevant specialties declaring their participation in the work of the Committee and members invited to participate in the work of the Committee and the appointed, in accordance with §5 point 3 and 4 of these Regulations, honorary chairman of the committee and representatives of specialized scientific societies.
  3. The Committee may co-opt specialists in the field of economic and social life by selection during the plenary meeting.


  1. The procedure of selecting members and bodies of the Committee is set out in the Regulations for the election of members and bodies of the scientific committee, approved by the Bureau of the Academy.
  2. The composition of the scientific Committee, based on the election results, is approved by the Dean of the Faculty the Committee cooperates with. Then, the Dean of the Faculty appoints selected members of the Committee.
  3. At the request of the Bureau of the scientific committee, the Dean of the appropriate Faculty may appoint Honorary Members of the committee, in recognition of the merits contributed to the management of the work and the achievements of the Committee. The requirements to be met by a candidate for the title of Honorary Member of the Committee are specified by the Department in the adopted Regulations.


The bodies of the Committee are:

  1. The Chairman,
  2. The Bureau of the Committee.


  1. The Bureau of the Committee is composed of:
    • The Chairman and the two Deputy Chairmen
    • The Secretary,
    • Other persons appointed by the plenary meeting of the Committee.
  1. In accordance with point 4, 5 and 6, only persons who are Members of the Committee for a given term may be elected and appointed to the Bureau.
  2. The Chairman of the Committee, elected at the first plenary meeting of the Committee in the new term of office, is appointed by the Bureau of the Polish Academy of Sciences after the presentation of the proposal by the Dean of the appropriate Faculty.
  3. The Bureau, in accordance with the ust. I pkt. 3, may be composed of persons selected from among the Members of the Committee, the Honorary Chairman or Honorary Members of the Committee or the Chairman of the Committee, section or team of the Committee (if the Committee has not established such units) and editors-in-chief of the Committee’s publications and representatives of specialist scientific societies, providing the requirement specified in point 2 of this paragraph. The Members of the Bureau are elected on the basis of a resolution of the plenary meeting of the Committee.
  4. The honorary Chairman is appointed by the Dean of the appropriate Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the basis of a resolution of the plenary meeting of the Committee. The title of Honorary Chairman is given for life. The Honorary Chairman is not counted within the limit of elected members of the Committee.


  1. The tasks of the Bureau of the Committee include the drafting of the Regulations and its possible changes, heading the work of the Committee, preparing draft resolutions related to the Committee’s work, work plans and reports on the Committee’s activities, implementing the resolutions of the plenary meeting and making decisions on matters submitted by the plenary meeting of the Committee, by the Faculty or by the Bureau of the Academy.
  2. Outside, the Committee is represented by the Chairman and in his absence by one of the Deputy Chairmen or another authorized person.


The Chairman of the Committee convenes plenary meetings and meetings of the Bureau of the Committee, chairs these meetings, manages the current Committee’s work and represents the Committee outside. In case of his absence, the Chairman shall be replaced by an authorized Deputy Chairman.


  1. Plenary meetings of the Committee are held as needed, but at least twice a year.
  2. For the resolutions of the committee’s collective bodies to be valid, a simple majority of votes is required in the presence of at least half of the total number of members of the body. In case of an equal number of votes, the Chairman’s vote prevails. Absent Committee Members 75 years old or older are not included in the quorum.
  3. Persons invited from outside the committee may participate in the meetings of scientific committees, in an advisory capacity.


  1. In order to perform the tasks listed in §3, the plenary meeting may establish by resolution internal organizational units: committees, sections or task forces. The Dean of the Faculty may submit comments or objections to the resolution on the establishment of internal organizational units, in particular comments regarding to the non-conformities of the provisions of the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Regulations of the Committee, the rules of cooperation with the Faculty or the current regulations on financing the Academy’s units.
  2. The resolution appointing the team specifies its task scope and the period for which it is appointed. The content of the resolution requires the approval of the Deputy Chairman of the Polish Academy of Sciences supervising the activities of the Committee.
  3. The members of committees, sections or task forces are appointed in accordance with the procedure determined by the plenary meeting of the Committee. The Chairman of a committee, section or team, who may be only a Member of the Committee for a given term of office, is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. The Deputy Chairman and Secretary (if their appointment is justified) and Members of a committee, section or team are appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on the authority of the Dean of the Faculty.
  4. Outside persons who are not Members of the Committee may be invited to the Committee’s task forces.
  5. Pursuant to Resolution 5/2012 of the Bureau of the Polish Academy of Sciences of January 24, 2012, the Committee performs the function of the National Committee for Cooperation with the Interdisciplinary Academy of Practical Medicine.
  6. The Chairman of the Editorial Board and the Editor-in-Chief of the Committee’s publications, at the request of the Committee chairman, are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. Members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Committee are appointed by the Chairman of the Committee. In case of publications co-published by a scientific institution of the Polish Academy of Sciences or another scientific institution, the application for appointing the above-mentioned persons requires a countersignature or agreement with the Director of this institution.


The Regulations of the scientific committee adopted by the plenary meeting, cooperating with an appropriate Faculty of the Polish Academy of Sciences, are presented by the Chairman of the Committee to the Dean of the relevant Faculty of the Polish Academy o Sciences. The Dean of the Faculty may submit comments or objections to the adopted Resolution, in particular comments regarding to the non-conformities of the provisions of the Act on the Polish Academy of Sciences, the rules of cooperation with the Faculty or the current regulations on financing the Academy’s units.


The Regulations enter into force after approval by the Deputy Chairman of the Polish Academy of Sciences supervising the work of Department V Medical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.


Published: 4 September 2020


Polish Academy of Sciences
Palace of Culture and Science
Plac Defilad 1
00-901 Warsaw

V Faculty of Medical Sciences
phone +48 22 182 60 50